Different Poker Hands

Like every other card game, there are different names for the different hands played at poker. We will look into these descriptions of hands involving the game of poker. The first of the kind is the Royal Flush and one of the toughest hands to get and, also the most valuable one. The Royal Flush consists of 10, Jack, Queen, King and Ace. All the five cards should belong to the same suit to be considered as a Royal Flush. For e.g. they can all belong to one single suite such as hearts or clovers. But all five cards must have the same suit.
The next one is the Straight Flush. The Straight Flush should contain cards in numerical order, ascending or descending and all should belong to the same suit. For e.g. you could get J, Q, K A, 2 or K, A, 2, 3, 4 or, you could also get straight numbers from the same suit such as 5, 6, 7, 8. This hand is as rare to get as the Royal Flush. If there is a situation where two players receive a Straight Flush, the player with the highest card value wins.
The Four of Kind appears when there are four cards of the same number with another random card. So they need not necessarily belong to the same suit. Examples could be such as four of spades, four of diamonds, four hearts and four of clovers and king of diamonds.
A Flush occurs when there are five cards of the same suit whatever the numbers may be. The example is 6 of spades, 8 of spades, 9 of spades, J of spades. In such combinations the high card value matters. In case the opponent has a Q, then the Q would beat the J.
We can look at the Straight which has five cards in numerical order. They do not necessarily have to belong to the same suit. This is very similar to the straight flush. The person with the higher ranking card goes on to win the hand.
Three of a kind involves three cards of the same numerical rank with two random cards. The other two random cards should not be a pair.
The other poker hands are, Two pair, One pair and the High card. The first one has two sets of pairs with one random card, whereas one pair has one set of pair with three random cards and the High card involves none of the players possessing any card of value.
These are a few examples of poker hands apart from the many available.

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